Today is foggy, muggy and slightly misty outside. I can't believe it December in the Carolinas and that its nearly 70 degrees outside. I'm going to blame the warm weather front on why I haven't bought all my Christmas gifts yet. I mean seriously, its practically impossible to buy Christmas presents when it feels like

So in an effort to feel better on this winter-but-really-feels-like-a-crappy-summer-day, I reccomend putting on this baby:

I do have to thank my sister Lauren for introducing me to this lovely lipgloss. I bought my first tube a little over a year ago with her at Sacs.
Order one today at Nordtrom.
I can't help but mention it.....I hope some of y'all caught Tyler Hansbrough breaking Phil Ford's record at the Dean Dome last night....but in case you didn't, here's the shot:
Click here to watch the Tribute to Tyler.....its so good!
By the way, I'm famous. I've been posted on Big Mama's blog....the post is about insanely bad Christmas sweaters, but I'll take what I can get! Check it out!
you need to try chanel's mascara. outstanding!
Next time I'm feeling down, I'll remember your lip gloss cure.
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