
craft it: media wall update

One of the things that is the most fun, yet equally frustrating, part of decorating your home is that you're never quite done.  Case and point: my media wall.  I keep finding more fun items to add to the wall.  I'm afraid that what started out as an attempt to decorate one blank wall may turn into the long expanse of crazy art and nick nacks.  The line between unique and weird can just be so fine sometimes, can't it?

Here's the wall after the first attempt around 8 months ago:

Here's the updated wall:

Here are a few of my favorites:
elliot's newborn footprints and silhouette
e is for elliot
key to josh's old land rover
little butterflies
sweetgrass basket from charleston, sc
canvas of me and e by lindsey lee photography
giant embroidery hoop
As you can see, we're adding to the wall and trying to fill in several gaps.  We've found several items we like/think are funny/remind us places we love...but we aren't quite sure where/how to hang them; hence the painters tape :)  

1 comment:

Maury @ Life on Mars said...

I love it. I think that you can totally let it take over that wall if you want. it's not like its the first thing that stares you in the face when you walk in.

Images by Freepik