
elliot weekly: week 12

holla for the 12 week old baby!

What we've been up to this week:

Attempting to sit up: Elliot is doing these funny little "sit ups" when she's laying on our laps. We'll lay her on our lap and she starts nodding her head like she's doing a little mini ab crunch/sit-up. We then pick her up to a "standing" position and the girl is all smiles! I guess she's just tired of staring up my nostrils ;)

Sleeping through the night: Hallelujah! Elliot is on a three night rampage! She's been going to be between 8:15-8:45pm and sleeping until 6:45-7am (with a 'dream feed' at 11pm). Mama is a new woman! I don't think I can quite communicate how amazing this is. Its so hard to believe that I've been not sleeping through the night for the past 12 weeks---even more amazing that I haven't actually turned into a zombie or something. I think Elliot is sleeping longer because her stomach is getting a little bit bigger and can now hold more milk, which equals sleeping longer (because she's not waking up hungry earlier.)

Sweet smiles: Elliot is still giving us some sweet smiles and she's getting more animated. Instead of her normal wide open-mouthed smile, she's now scrunching up her nose and raising her eyebrows too. When its combined with some coos and goos, its pretty funny looking. She looks like she's trying so hard to communicate. I end up mimicking her, which is pretty funny looking too....yes, I've turned into that mom that does just about anything to get a smile out of my baby.

Celebrating in Charlotte: We met up with Auntie Chelsea in Charlotte for a little Dean & Deluca celebration for Elliot's 12 week birthday. We had some giggles, snuggles, sweets and treats and then headed over to South Park for a little shopping excursion. We also had to hit up Trader Joe's and restock the pantry while we were in town. What can I say, these small town ladies had to take advantage of our trip to the big city!

hanging out with auntie chelsea

The days and weeks are passing by too quickly! I'm trying to soak up every minute with this sweet little babe:

check out that stare!
and those cheeks!!

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