
elliot weekly: week 6

elliot is six weeks old!

Several people have asked me about the monkey in the weekly pictures with Elliot. His name is Con Queso and he was made, by my middle school Wyldlife girls at Build-a-Bear, for Josh when we were dating. My older sister Lauren suggested putting a stuffed animal next to Elliot in her weekly pictures so we'd have something to compare her against as she gets older. It seemed fitting to have Con Queso in the pictures :)

Now, on to what Elliot has been up to this week:

Napping: Elliot is getting better at her day-time naps, or at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself of! She's been a good in-her-crib-sleeping-at-night baby since night one at home (praise Jesus!) However, she seems to prefer napping in her stroller or the car during the day, as opposed to in her crib. We've been trying to convince her that her crib is the best place for all sleep, naps and night-time, but she's not totally on board. When she does nap though, the girl is seriously down for the count. I love waking her up, she is so sweet and has the funniest stretches!

6-Week Check-Up: Elliot had her 6-week check-up on Tuesday and Mark (pediatrician) said she's doing great! She's healthy and gaining weight well. She is now 8 pounds 13.5 ounces and 21 inches long. She did have to get a Hepatitis shot while we were there, which she did not enjoy. I made Josh hold her while she got the shot a) because I couldn't handle it and b) because I didn't want her to associate me with the shot :) We thought Elliot was getting bigger since she was finally filling out her newborn clothes and the 0-3 month clothes weren't totally swallowing her whole.

Elliot all relaxed and stretched out with Josh.

All Smiles: We are getting more smiles from our girl. Mark said that they are more involuntary muscle movement that true social interaction.....but I'm not 100% on board with that. Here's a little tickle session with my friend Allison:

All-in-all, things are going well at our house. I cannot believe Elliot is already 6 weeks old and that I have to go back to work in two weeks. I am going to be taking Elliot with me to work, but it won't be nearly the same. I plan on soaking up every minute with my sweet girl over these next two weeks!

elliot was really turning on the charm for her six-week pictures. here are a few outtakes:
i love the last picture of elliot
i like to think she's practicing her kick-boxing moves

and, as always, i've got to leave you with one cute picture of elliot
oh, we are so in love!

1 comment:

chelsea said...

involuntary muscle movement? psssh. those are smiles if i've ever seen them.

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