
roommate love

I had some of the best roommates in college. We did ministry, cooked, giggled, avoided work and survived a huge apartment fire together. I know they'll be my friends forever. Its really quite a cool feeling. I still catch myself saying, "I'm on the phone with my roommate" or "I'm going to see my roommate" which is so strange since I've been married for six years and haven't lived with those sweet girls since then!

Maury moved in with us our senior year. She was a transfer student and a friend-of-a-friend. Initially, I wasn't too sure about her.....after all, I didn't know her at all. What if she was weird? Like the pick-her-boogers-and-wipe-them-on-your-bedspread kind of weird. Or the i-pretend-like-i'm-a-character-off-of-star-trek kind of strange. But, she wasn't. She was actually kind of awesome. The more I got to know Maury the more I realized that I had always needed her to be my friend and hadn't even known it. She had a knowledge of the Lord that I craved, a free-ness to love that I envied, a dedication to her work that inspired me, a stroke of genius in the kitchen and a killer diet coke habit.

After the big apartment fire during our senior year we moved into Maury's lake house. Which, if we weren't getting much school work done to start out with....we certainly weren't getting any done at the lake! Our friendship grew through the loss of our material possessions (and our obsession with Friends dvds.) I really can't imagine where I'd be, or what my life would be like, without Maury. She's the friend that I can call for a recipe, encouragement, accountability and shoe shopping. And unlike some of my other roommates (ahem, Cat and Val) she lives just down the road. We get together every once in a while for dinner (and a serious gab session!) Last night we met up for Japanese....hence my greasy looking face....I swear the guy cooking nearly caught us on fire.

Maury has been so good to me lately. I've been dealing with some crappy stuff and she's been such a good listener. She puts up with my rants and raves, is patient and remembers all the little details. I leave all of our time together literally praising the Lord for her friendship. Thank you Jesus for Maury!!

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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