
how do you spell love?

Well, at our house we spell it C-A-K-E. That's right, red velvet cake to be exact. Although, I must admit that I actually made a "pink" velvet cake since we ran out of red food coloring. Oops!

Josh's favorite cake is a "red velvet" cake that his Grandma makes. Now, I say "red velvet" because its actually an old fashioned pound cake that she puts red food coloring in AND ICES. Yes, you just read that correctly....a pound of butter, pound of sugar, pound of flour, pound of eggs.....AND throw some cream cheese icing on top. Yeah, so its not really a red velvet cake at all actually (please do NOT tell Grandma that I just said that!!!) This holiday I decided to jazz it up a little bit and make it a three layer cake instead of baking it in a bunt pan. This is how it turned out:

I felt like it still needed a little sass. Maybe a sweet conversation-heart type message? After about 2.4 seconds of brainstorming, I went with an old classic:

I still had some pink icing left over......so I had to add a few girly touches:

Tada, the finished product:

Josh was completely surprised when he came home from work and he didn't even mind that the "red velvet" cake was pink. At one point he mentioned that there sure was a lot of icing on the cake....but then I knew he was just talking crazy. Too much icing?! Has there ever been such a thing????


Brittany Brady said...

I am so telling grandma you are mocking her Red Velvet cake.

(OK, truth: it was a hard day when my parents told me that grandma's cake was actually not a really red velvet cake.)

chelsea said...

so cute!

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