

Let me present my overlooked, and clearly overused, toothbrush and que-tip holders.

Wow. That's some serious nasty right there. Josh and I got these for our wedding. Its only been five years....but I guess they just don't make fake silver toothbrush holders like they used to. What a shame.

I am super-cheap (did I mention that I only spent $0.15 on Josh for Valentine's Day?) So I guess its needless to say that replacing a toothbrush holder wasn't exactly high on my list of "man-i-really-want-that-and-have-already-circled-that-item-in-the-catalogue-the-last-5-issues-and-am-almost-willing-to-part-with-this-money-that-i-worked-so-hard-for."

But then I walked in Anthropologie on Saturday. And they were having a sale. And I accidently bought these. And now brushing my teeth is a joy. (Can someone forward this to Dr. Wilson?)

Ok, so there's a little dried toothpaste all over everything, but hey, that's not the point. Aren't these lovely? I love the designs!

1 comment:

chelsea said...

yay! who doesn't love cheap stuff from anthro?
p.s. i really enjoy that you blogged an entire post about your bathroom fixtures.

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